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Manchester United Vs Everton

In yesterday's Manchester United vs Everton match, Manchester United lost the match to (1:0) as Ferguson(manager) use 4-2-3-1 formation, a formation he has not been using for nine years ago which he thought would be and effective tactic against Everton but in return didn't do any good.

Also due the new players debut Van Persie and Kagawa which was probably new to team couldn't adjust to the game. In the match though Van Persie played well it compared to Kagawa that did not do so well, it could not give them a winning victory as these two new members could not adapt to the new team as time and upcoming matches will show whether their performance with get better.

In the 12 minute, second half of the game Everton scored a winning goal as Fellaini made a splendid header by a beautiful conner kick assist from Gibson which lead to Manchester's lost.

I was so disappointed with ManU because of the midfielders lack of performance.

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