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Ki Sung Yueng

Ki Sung Yueng is a professional South Korean soccer player born on the 24th January 1989. During his teenage year he moved from Korea to Brisbane(Australia) to learn English and the sport soccer. During 2007 he went back to Korea and joined the soccer club F.C. Seoul, he played for them for 2 years and then transferred to Celtic in Scotland.
He played as a attack-midfielder and then move to a defend-midfielder his specialty is in his physical skills, tackles and passing. Celtic won the league last  11/12 season also due to Ki's outstanding performance. Now Ki is recruited by Swansea and will be transferring soon.

Ki also played in the London Olympic for the Korean team. As we know that the Korean team won a bronze medal = 3rd place which is a outstanding position through out the  whole world.

I think he will do an extraordinary performance in EPL(English Premier League).

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